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UNC Free Speech Competition:
How Can UNC Educate a Global Citizen?

Every fall, the Program for Public Discourse partners with the Department of Communication to host its annual undergraduate speech competition. Students across the university are welcome to compete for prizes of up to $500, delivering original speeches addressing contemporary issues of public concern. Below are pictures from the fall 2022 competition focused on the theme of global citizenship. Please contact Kevin Marinelli if interested in auditioning for future competitions.  

The winners of the speech competition were those students that presented the best constructed and most persuasive speech:

1st: Parker Roy for his speech, International Interactivity

2nd: Christopher Williams for his speech, All Consuming 

3rd: Vivian Kaye for her speech, Difficult Conversations

UNC Speech Competition; The Whole Group Gathered
UNC Speech Competition Contestants
UNC Speech Competition Contestants with Christopher Williams on the Left
UNC Speech Competition Contestants with Vivian Kaye in the Middle
Parker Roy performing his speech International Interactivity
UNC Speech Competition Contestant
Vivian Kaye performing her speech Difficult Conversations
UNC Speech Competition Contestant
UNC Speech Competition Contestant